Top 5 Exercise Mistakes

Top 5 exercise mistakes. The most common mistakes we make in the gym and how to correct them.


The “Shred Shed” ready to go!

We are about to experience the shortest day of the year. It happens this week. Myself and my group of winter warriors were looking out over Easts Rugby Oval this morning, from the comfort of the “Shred Shed,” and noticed how dark and cold it was in comparison to just a few weeks ago.

It got me thinking. It’s hard enough to exercise when it’s cold and dark, so if you’re brave enough to do it, make sure you’re doing it right!

So todays blog is all about highlighting the top 5 exercise mistakes, and making sure you don’t fall for them!

  1. Time wasting. Its an obvious one but if you’re heading to the gym it’s easy to procrastinate. Rock up to the gym, take your sweet time getting changed, wander around the gym trying to figure out what to do, make a phone call… or two, then switch from one station to the next… and like that your gym sessions is over, and you’ve hardly broken a sweat. We are all guilty of procrastinating when it comes to exercise but just remind yourself: the hardest part was getting to the gym.. now focus and get in as much exercise as possible in the little time you have.
  2. Effort. Similarly to time wasting, its very easy to put in a subpar performance when exercising. Why do we sabotage ourselves like this?? i know I am guilty of it from time to time. Again, remind yourself why you are there and give everything you have to every minute of training. Leave the gym feeling exhausted, sweaty, fatigued, with a sense of accomplishment. If you find it hard to push yourself then get a friend and workout together. Push each other.. Then you can relax and enjoy another episode of Game of Thrones.
  3. Exercise type. I’ve said it a million times before. Ditch the long-winded cardio (unless you’re training for a marathon, City 2 Surf, etc) and hit the weights!!! It doesnt matter if you’re a beginner, intermediate, or an expert. Here is a fantastic game-plan for any level. For novices, stick to machine weights. If you are comfortable with free weights, then by all means… use them! 5 exercises. 3 sets per exercise. 8-12 reps per set. 60 seconds rest between sets. then move onto the next exercise. Finish with 5-10 minutes of intervals (intense 45 seconds/easy 45seconds) on your cardio machine of choice. My personal favourite is the rower. For a more in depth look at training tips check out my post on fitness hacks.
  4. Exercise duration. If you stick to the above plan, you should be in and out of the gym in 40-50 minutes. There is no need for 60-120 minutes in the gym… its too much, and who wants to spend that kind of time in the gym anyhow?
  5. Post exercise nutrition. Nutrition has nothing to do with exercise but after we finish a gruelling session, its only natural that our hunger increases. it is very easy to overeat after a big workout. The problem is you’ll more than likely eat more calories than you usually consume due to increased hunger. Chances are you’ll eat more calories than you Take your time with your meal, allow it to digest slowly and you won’t feel hungry anymore.

crossfit-eastern-suburbsIf you’re lacking the motivation, then head down to one of our morning classes.

Here are some of the crew busting out a deadlift/chin up session – completed with some stair sprints. Ouch.

Email with ‘morning group training’ in the subject along with your phone number. Ill personally contact you and we can talk more about your goals and get you moving!

Stay healthy Sydney,

Jack Seymour

Head Coach