Tabatas are one of the most effective training protocols to strip fat and get lean. Learn why and discover how to perform tabatas properly, here.
As we find ourselves well into the silly season our health concerns fly out the gym door. The focus has shifted from working diligently, eating moderately well, and exercising frequently, and replaced with – Christmas parties, booze, long lunches, and a well deserved rest.
Exercise usually takes a backseat until January when its time to put those “resolutions” into action. The reason for this is usually due to time constraints. Travel to the gym. Exercise. Head home. Shower. It’s all too much with the social events, Christmas shopping, workload, and so on.
This little training protocol will take you no more than 12 minutes (and that includes the warm up) and can be done in the comfort of your lounge room. Don’t tell me you can’t spare 12 minutes, 4 times per week?? That’s all it takes.
Tabatas are an excellent form of high intensity exercise that burn a heap of calories, give your metabolism a boost, promote lean muscle growth, and is the quickest workout you will ever do. This might sound reminiscent of those paid TV presentations like “3 minute abs,” but seriously… tabatas work! Here is the catch though, it takes some serious grit and self-discipline to push hard enough to produce the outcomes listed above.
So if your pressed for time, a single round of tabata will be enough to supercharge your body, get your focus back, get your endorphins flying, and make for a merrier you.
What are tabatas and why are they so effective?
Physician and researcher, Izumi Tabata developed this form of interval training back in 1996. His research found that 20 seconds of all out exercise followed by 10 seconds rest > repeated 8 times > totaling 4 minutes, burnt the same number of calories as a 60 minute light cardio session. More importantly this protocol enhances both the aerobic and anaerobic systems dramatically, which in turn improves our nervous system, increases metabolism, improved lean muscle growth, increased fat burning ability, and reduces illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Sounds to good to be true, but its not as easy as it sounds. When you are working for that 20 seconds, it is the toughest, most grueling, stomach turning exercise you’ll ever experience. You are literally pushing your body as hard and fast as it can possibly withstand.
Here is a breakdown of the mental game you might play with yourself during a tabata.
INT1: right I’m off, this isn’t so bad!
Rest: hmmm my hearts going pretty quick and I’m already breaking a sweat… this next interval is going to be interesting.
INT2: Jeeesus, I’m in this now. What am I doing here?? This is not fun at all. Finish already!
Rest: F%$K, this is damn hard work… Have I made the right decision?
INT3: OMG what am I doing? My lungs are burning… I can’t get my breath. Am i going to throw up? This is the worst thing in the world. Who the hell told me to try this? aggghhhhhhh…
Rest: **panting** sweating** oh shit, here we go again… 10seconds is already up!?! I cant go on, but I have to try.. Its only 4 minutes. Only 5 more intervals to go including this one… what 5 more intervals to go???
INT4: KILL ME. okay I am beyond caring right now, I’m giving up… no, no. Just keep going… only… only 15 seconds left… ONLY 15 SECONDS LEFT!?!!? WHAT IVE ONLY COMPLETED 5 SECONDS. JEEEEESUS!! COME ON. Hold out.. HOLD OUT.
Rest: ****spluttering*** getting your breath. I’m done. No more.. This cant be for real. What, rest is up again?? Push through, its only 20 seconds.. keep going. keep pushing. this is only temporary. it will all be over soon. ARRGHHHH
Only four more intervals to go ladies and gents.. I think i’ve given you a good idea of the intensity you’ll face and the mental game you must play. After the fourth interval you must ignore all the negative signals your body is sending you to stop.
For best results have your training buddy or PT push you to your full potential. If you’re on your own, its human nature to step off the gas a little bit. If this is the case feel free to add 2-3 more tabata exercises afterward (with a few minutes rest between of course) to get a similar effect.
I didn’t say it would be easy but if you’re only doing a 4-minute workout it’s going to really test you both physically and mentally. It will be one of the toughest things you do, but one of the most effective.
There are plenty of free tabata apps for your smart phone. So the first step is to download one.
Performing tabatas for maximum efficiency and effect
In order for tabatas to provide the desired anaerobic outcome it is important to pick the correct exercises. Isolated muscle group exercises like arm curls, tricep extensions, sit-ups, plank, calf raises, leg extensions, leg curls, are not going to produce the desired outcome. Similarly light cardio exercises such as walking, jogging, star jumps, whilst great exercises simply aren’t going to push your body enough.
You are looking for maximum effort and maximum effect with tabatas. You must therefore pick compound movements that utilise a number of muscle groups through a single movement, or exhausting cardiovascular exercises.
So here is a list of exercises that are simply perfect for tabata training.
No equipment:
- Stair sprints (superior)
- Hill sprints (superior)
- Sprints
- Burpees (superior)
- Squat jumps
- Frog jumps
- Mountain climbers
- Step jumps
- Push ups
- Lunge jumps
- Chin ups/pull ups (superior)
- Erg/ rowing machine (personal favourite and best by far)
- Treadmill sprints and hill sprints (superior)
- Exercise bike
- Cross trainer
- Boxing
- KettleBell swings (superior)
- DB squat press
- BB squats
- Cleans
- Weighted squat jumps
- Weighted walking lunges
- Chest Press
- Deadlifts
Okay. You know what tabatas are, you know how to do them effectively, you have downloaded a tabata app, and you know what exercises are going to give you the best results.
What about the warm up? You’ll notice I mentioned the rower was my favourite. Why?? Because it is the hardest form of exercise I have ever experienced when pushing myself to the limit. You are working almost every muscle in your body, applying resistance and increasing your heart rate extremely quick. So if I were to perform a rowing tabata I would spend the 8-minute warm up on the rower, just cruising and getting my joints and muscles ready for the onslaught. Then its onto the 4 minute
If you’re still here then you’re obviously intrigued by tabatas. I must stress that this is very taxing on the body, and not for everyone. If you’re suffering from any physical illness or are very unfit I would steer clear of tabatas until you’re fitness level improves. You can always use the tabata timer as a workout guideline and exercise at a more relaxed pace until you’re fit enough to go harder.
BodyTech runs a weekend HIIT (High Intensity Interval Club) every Saturday down at Bondi. Great group of people of various fitness levels. All welcome. For more information contact us below.
As always,
Stay Healthy Sydney.
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