Picture this with me for just a moment. Summer’s two weeks away and you can hear the beach calling your name but those extra couple of pounds are like chains weighing you down. You know you need a body transformation but how do you achieve it? You could diet… But which one? There’s so many out there! So you ask your friends and family but they’re split: your friends say count your calories, while your family tells you go low-carb. And your family’s right! If you’re looking to lose weight quickly, then a low-carb diet is the best way to go.
While cutting calories and cutting carbs are both good forms of weight loss, the main difference is which gets you there faster. There are 7700 calories in one kilogram of body fat. This means for you to lose that weight in one week, you have to reduce your food intake by that amount. That’s 1100 calories per day. If you want to lose weight even faster, you have to reduce what you’re eating even further. The end result being you’re now eating less food than a beggar monk but still can’t shed those pounds in time for the beach.
Cutting carbs, on the other hand, is quick and effective. The average low-carb dieter sees an easy weight loss of around 5 kg within two weeks. While this means you may have to eliminate some dearly loved foods, you don’t have to change what you eat overall by a significant amount. This can make a low-carb diet much easier to maintain, which is an important consideration when beginning any diet or exercise plan. After all, cheating on your plan is the easiest way to kiss any gains you saw good-bye.
So, in the long run, the diet that works best for you is the diet you can keep. But when it’s crunch time and you need a quick weight loss plan, a low-carb diet is the only way to go. So buy that bikini, order that dress, or make that bet with your childhood friend that you can’t fit into your teenage jeans any longer. It’ll make cutting those carbs so worth it to see the look on his face when you pull it off!