This is part two of a six part blog. If you missed last weeks blog “How to get ripped without giving up your life” click here.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The # 1 weight loss success factor that is often overlooked
If you want to change your physique quickly it is crucial to have a solid game plan in place. Simply jumping into an exercise regime won’t work for the majority of us, and without the correct guidelines and motivational triggers we are destined to fail!
Goal setting is one thing, but it’s what goal setting arms you with that is the clincher – and what will make the difference between success and failure.
The main purpose of setting a plan is so that you have guide to get you from body A to body B. This involves goal setting.
So how do we set a great goal?
Using the SMART goal setting principles:
Specific – Great goals are well defined and focused. For example, “Run 10km in under 1 hour” or “Build a noticeable, well defined bum” are defined and focused. Simply to “lose weight” is not specific enough.
Measurable – take before/after photos (the less clothing the better), before/weekly/after weigh in’s, before/after measurements. We will discuss this in more detail a little later. Very important.
Attainable – Is your goal realistic??? For example, you’ve never run in your life and your goal is to run the city to surf next weekend. Is that realistic?
Relevant – is your goal relevant to your lifestyle and needs? If you really want to lose weight but your goal is to run a marathon, then its not exactly relevant. They are two different goals despite the fact you will undoubtedly lose some weight. Keep it relevant.
Time-frame – you must decide how long it will take you to achieve your goal. This is so very important, and with exercise regimes there is a particular period that will yield the best results and effort on your part. We will get to that a bit later.
Here is an example of a SMART goal.
Introducing average Joe: slightly overweight, beer belly, a little sloppy around the edges:
Joe’s goal “To define my upper body and get a 6 pack before I leave for my European summer holiday in 6 weeks.”
Average Joe has a great goal to work towards. But that is only half the battle.
Now that he has determined his SMART goal do you think it’s enough to motivate him? To get him to the gym and train hard? Stop him eating crap? Unlikely.
Identifying and adhering to the following three factors will mean the ultimate difference between success and failure.
1) Ascertain your ‘underlying motivational triggers’.
2) Evaluating before photos and weigh in’s every week.
3) Get your timeframe right for maximum effort and results.
1) Underlying Motivational Triggers
Underlying motivational triggers are the secret weapon in developing the drive you need to make drastic changes to your mindset, lifestyle, training and eating habits. Put simply, Average Joe’s goal is “to define my upper body and get a 6 pack before I leave for my European summer holiday in 6 weeks.” But what are his motivational triggers to reach this end goal?
Look deeper. Why does average Joe want to achieve this goal?? Is it because he wants to impress his friends? Pick up girls? Does he feel uncomfortable/embarrassed with his shirt off??
These questions must be asked in order to find the drive you need to succeed and reach your goal. If you have a goal that involves a physical change it is likely to be ego driven and you must find out exactly what that is. If your goal is to lose weight due to ill health then your motivational triggers family and fear realted rather than ego.
So, when you don’t feel like hitting the gym, don’t feel like giving 100% or are craving that burger and chips, think about your underlying motivational trigger, and ultimate end goal.
2) Evaluating before photos and weigh in’s every week.
The second most important factor is continually reminding yourself of how you’re progressing.
Firstly, I recommend that my clients take a before photo (as bear as possible so they can see the exact areas they wish to change. no point covering it up) and put it on their fridge, lock screen of their phone, in the car – basically anywhere you will have a constant reminder of what you have set out to achieve.
If you have a specific amount of weight you wish to lose I suggest preparing a weight loss schedule. Post it on your fridge or write it on your bathroom mirror – somewhere you will see it several times per day.

Weigh yourself every Monday morning, as soon as you wake up, before any food or drink, in the nude – and write it down on your weight loss schedule. Your bodies natural weight is most accurate upon waking and Monday is the best day of the week to weigh in, so you have a set amount of weight to lose for the week ahead.
You’ll notice red and green highlights. If your behind schedule mark it in red so that you remind yourself each day that you’re a bit behind and need to bring you’re a-game this week. If you have beaten your weekly goal, give yourself a pat on the back and keep doing what you’re doing – its working. Breaking it down like this makes the whole task a lot less daunting. 1.3kg is easier than 8kg isn’t it??
3) Get your timeframe right for maximum effort and results.
Finally, timeframe is of utmost importance.
I have found that 4-6 weeks is the optimal time-frame to keep your motivation peaked and your mind focused. You don’t burn out from the schedule and can give 110% every session. You’re also less inclined to fall off the food wagon when you have a shorter, more manageable period to work through. 4-6 weeks is enough time to see an amazing transformation which only fuels your enthusiasm and motivation moving into your next phase.
“So what if i’m really overweight and want to lose 30kg’s in 12 months???”
The timeframe is too long and its one hell of a mountain to climb. This would become your ultimate goal and from here you would break it down into 8-12 SMART goals with their own motivational triggers and reminders. Only start with the first 1-3 goals, and then re-assess once completed before setting further goals.
I hope thats given you a bit of guidance before embarking on your fitness journey.
Feel free to get in touch with any questions.
Next week its all about health hacks, and how little changes to your nutrition and training can take you a lonngggg way!
You can achieve amazing results without sacrificing everything for the greater good of looking good.
If you can’t wait for next week’s blog you can read up on nutrition here. Nutrition will count for a good 70-80% of your fitness journey and a sound understanding and appreciation of it is fundamental to your success.
Similarly supplements are important if you want to get that little edge with you’re results. For the purpose of this 6 week cut down phase I utilised the ‘Ripped Bundle.’ Click here for more information.
Finally, if training with Bodytech is something of interest to you please have a look at our range of options. We have four different services that cater to all levels of fitness and budgets. Click here to learn more about our services.[/vc_column_text][vc_facebook type=”button_count”][vc_googleplus annotation=”inline”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]