Fitness Testing: Want to know where your strengths and weaknesses lie? Want to know how your fitness level compares to the rest of the world? Below is a simple fitness test that will determine your cardiovascular and muscular strength.
1. THE BEEP TEST: Firstly download a beep test app, there are plenty of them around, and many are free. The shuttle distance is 20m. For the best estimate, find a cricket pitch in your local park and run between the batting creases (closest creases to one another). This is approximately 18m so be sure to pass both feet over the crease before turning around and completing your next shuttle. Follow the commands on the beep test app for simplicity. This is a test of cardiovascular strength.
2. PLANK: the plank test is very straightforward. Start a timer, hold yourself in the plank position, and hold it for as long as you can. If your body starts to dip or you have any pain in your lower back the test is over. This is a test of core strength.
3. AIR SQUATS: air squats are simply squats with a very slight upward jump. Your feet need not leave the ground but emphasises the need to drive upward with power. Release downard into the squat with full control. Set a timer for 1 minute and complete as many reps in that minute as possible. This is a test of leg strength.
4. PUSH UPS: Start by laying front down on the floor. Place your hands next to your chest (inline with your chest – not your shoulders). Women: complete push ups on your knees. Men: complete full push ups. Ensure that your chest hits the ground before completing your next rep. Do not ‘snake’ your body – that is, do not leave your hips on the ground and drive your chest upward. Engage your core, plank style. Set a timer for 1 minute and complete as many reps in that minute as possible. This is a test of chest and tricep strength.
5. SIT UPS: Lay on your back, and stretch out your arms to rest on your thighs. Keeping your arms straight, bring your straight arms up the thigh until your wrists touch your knee cap. Ensure that your lower back stays flat on the ground whilst performing the movement. This will require more lift or ‘crunch’ from the abdominals. Set a timer for 1 minute and complete as many reps in that minute as possible. This is a test of abdominal strength.
6. LUNGES: Start standing with feet shoulder width apart. Step forward into a lunge on your left leg, keeping weight on that left heel, and the knee behind the toe line – do not force weight onto your toes, which will ultimately bring your left heel off the ground. Drive out of the lunge and switch legs. Ensure you dont flop over your legs with your torso. Your shoulders should stay in line (vertically) with your hips at all times. Set a timer for 1 minute and complete as many reps in that minute as possible. Each leg accounts for 1 rep. e.g. one left leg lunge + one right leg lunge = 2 reps. This is a test of leg strength.
7. BURPEES: Start standing upright with feet shoulder width apart. Bend over and place your hands in front of your feet. Throw your legs backward into the plank position (arms stay extended outward – for this test no push up is necessary). Bring your feet back to where your hands are, stand up and jump as high as you can into the air. Repeat. Set a timer for 1 minute and complete as many reps in that minute as possible. This is a test of both cardiovascular stamina and full body strength.
8. 1KM SPRINT TEST: For the purpose of this test download a running app. Plenty out there that will monitor your distance and pace. Pick a flat area to run. Start the app and run your little heart out for 1km. When you reach the 1km mark the test is over.
Testing done!
- This test is to be completed in the order stated. Don’t skip an exercise and come back to it later. The reason for this: In order to have an accurate result all competitors fatigue and tire in the same order, keeping scoring consistent.
- Rest between tests is no longer than 2 minutes.
- Full range of motion for each repetition. No half reps. You’re only cheating yourself.
- If you are unsure how to perform a particular exercise make sure you have someone teach you how to do it before attempting this test.
- Keep count of your repetitions, or better yet, have a friend or training partner that can count your reps and watch your form.
So how do you compare to the rest of the big cats out there??? Contact me and i’ll personally send you the breakdown. Ill provide testing results for women and men, average, good, and excellent results. If you want to take part in the next group fitness test, simply enquire about times and locations here.